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About Us

This is Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Media Communication About Us.

Dean’s Message

Digital transformation is
reshaping our society in a total and overall way,
revolutionizing and impacting not only journalism and
media but also university education.
이두황 원장님
This reform reminds us of our mission, which is to shape our students into creative and convergence-oriented professionals, who can satisfy the demands of a new society while learning and leading changes.

The Graduate School of Media and Communication (GSMC) is a venue for learning and realization, embodying the Humanitas spirit Kyung Hee pursues based on the knowledge and experience GSMC has acquired for over 30 years.

GSMC provides the most advanced education programs in three departments and nine majors: Journalism (Newspapers/Magazines and Broadcasting), Strategic Communication (Advertising, Public Relations, Speech/Debate, and Political Communication), Cultural Contents (Publishing/Copyright, Mass Art, and Digital Visual). In particular, Speech/Debate, Political Communication, Digital Visual, Publishing/Copyright, and Mass Art are master’s degree programs that only GSMC operates in Korea.

GSMC opened four Specialist Tracks (Streaming Media Specialist, Media Commerce Specialist, Data Communication Specialist, and K-Culture Specialist) in March 2021 and employs both blended learning (online + in-person) and flipped classrooms. Furthermore, we introduced summer and winter semesters, allowing students to earn a degree up to one year earlier.

Let GSMC serve you as a perfect launching pad for your future success. Let us support you as you are pushing the boundaries of what you know and do so that you can aim high and hit the mark. GSMC is here ready to serve you. We are looking forward to seeing you at this beautiful campus of Kyung Hee.
Dean of the Graduate School of Media and Communication, Kyung Hee University